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China offers to play role in improving Pak-India relations

MEW YORK: Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif met his Chinese counterpart Li Keqiang in New York and discussed matters of bilateral interest and regional situation with him.

During the meeting, Chinese prime minister while supporting Pakistan’s stance on Kashmir said that China was ready to play a role in imporving relations between China and Pakistan.   He said that China will be raising its voice in support of Pakistan and would stand by it at every forum. He expressed the hope that international community will understated Pakistan’s stance on Kashmir.

The Chinese Prime Minister also appreciated Pakistan’s role for eradication of terrorism  and extremism.

Nawaz appraised Li Keqiang about the Indian forces atrocities in the Occupied Kashmir. He also welcomed China’s statement about the Indian forces brutalities in the Held Kashmir.

The Prime Minister said that Pakistan condemns terrorism in all its forms and manifestations. He said peaceful neighborhood is our vision. He said Pakistan is committed for peace and stability in the region.

Muhammad Nawaz Sharif expressed confidence on the pace of development in Pak-China relations.

The Prime Minister said that Operation Zarb-e-Azb is underway successfully and achieving the desired targets. He said the network of the terrorists have been broken. Nawaz Sharif said Pakistan and China are Iron Brothers. He said Pakistan-China relations have taken a new turn. The Prime Minister condoled with his Chinese counterpart over the loss of precious lives in the recent floods in China.