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China reacts to Trump’s direct talk with Taiwan’s President

BEIJING: China has reacted to the US President-elect Donald Trump unusual talks with Taiwan President in total negation of US’s policy.     

Reacting to the development, China’s foreign minister said he hopes Beijing’s relations with the US would not be “interfered with or damaged” after President-elect Donald Trump broke with decades long diplomatic tradition and spoke directly with Taiwan’s leader.

It is highly unusual for a US president or president-elect to speak directly with a leader of Taiwan, a self-governing island the US broke diplomatic ties with in 1979.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said the call between Taiwan’s president and Trump was “just a small trick by Taiwan” that he believed would not change US policy toward China, according to Hong Kong’s Phoenix TV.

“The one-China policy is the cornerstone of the healthy development of China-US relations and we hope this political foundation will not be interfered with or damaged,” Wang was quoted as saying.

Washington has pursued a so-called “one China” policy since 1979, when it shifted diplomatic recognition of China from the government in Taiwan to the communist government on the mainland. Under that policy, the US recognizes Beijing as representing China but retains unofficial ties with Taiwan.

A statement from Trump’s transition team said he spoke with Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen, who offered her congratulations.

“During the discussion, they noted the close economic, political, and security ties … between Taiwan and the United States. President-elect Trump also congratulated  on becoming President of Taiwan earlier this year,” the statement said.

Trump tweeted later: “The President of Taiwan called me today to wish me congratulations on winning the Presidency. Thank you!”