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Science / Technology

Chinese Glittering Drones Light Up Sky

Beijing (October 3, 2017): The record breaking performance by Chinese glittering drones stun people in Sic Haun province.     

About 1,000 illuminated drones were launched into the night sky and displayed different formations.The drones were flown some 100 metres above  the earth, forming images including ‘star’, the numbers “2017” and the shape of a rooster.The aircraft also formed the images of a map of China, the Chinese character “fu”, meaning fortune or happiness, as well as the figure “1,000.”

The drones reportedly broke the Guinness World Record for the most unmanned aerial vehicles airborne simultaneously, according to the report. The previous world record of 500 drones was set by the technology company Intel in a football field in Krailling, Germany.

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