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Clinton dominates Trump in first presidential debate

WASHINGTON: If twitter messages are any indication credited Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton won the first presidential debate against Republican rival Donald Trump finally squared off in a debate televised directly last night.

Clinton supporters also say that her performance during the debate put to rest the unfounded concerns about her healthy and thus being fit to serve as the president of the United States.

Moderated by NBC TV’s Lester Holt the last night debate was the first of three before the presidential election. Scheduled to be held in November.

According to a poll Clinton secured 62 percent favorable ranking compared to 27 percent for Donald trump.

Terrorism, national security, prosperity, racial discrimination, and unemployment were some of the salient issues discussed during the debate.

Calling tackling cyber security and DAESH some of the biggest challenges Clinton said that foreign fighters are continuously joining the ranks of Daesh and like Osama Baghdadi should also be eliminated. We have to quicken airstrikes to beat Daesh, she said.

Hitting back at Clinton Trump said that she should know that we are losing and we are also incapable of defending ourselves from Daesh and this is so because whatever has to be done to eliminate terrorism is not being done.

While Hillary stressed upon taxing rich more Trump opposed it.

Hillary asked Trump why he did not release his tax returns rebutting which he would do that after she releases her 33,000 emails.

Trump expressed dissatisfaction at certain American airports and civil facilities are similar to those in the third world countries. Hillary rebutted that this is so because Trump does not pay taxes.

About racial discrimination Clinton called it a major problem for the US and that Trump’s political career is built on it.

Trump claimed Hillary was incompetent to become president but he is competent because he has a better temperament and a decision maker. Hillary rebutted saying as if she would have to be plastered with all the allegations. I would accept whatever the outcome of the election may be, she added.