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Coffee Drinkers Live Longer: Study

London (July 12, 2017) Drinking three cups of coffee a day may help you live longer, according to a study of almost half a million people from 10 European countries.

Studies have recently shown that regular java drinkers have a lower risk of diabetes, fewer strokes and heart problems and lower rates of certain cancers.

The research, published in the journal the Annals of Internal Medicine, suggests an extra cup of coffee could lengthen a person’s lifespan – even if it is decaffeinated.

Researchers from the International Agency for Research on Cancer and Imperial College London say they have found that drinking more coffee is linked to a lower risk of death – particularly for heart diseases and diseases of the gut.

They came to their conclusions after analyzing data of healthy people over the age of 35 from 10 EU countries.

They asked them once at the beginning of the study how much coffee they tended to drink and then looked at deaths over an average of 16 years.

Prof Sir David Spiegelhalter, from the University of Cambridge, analyses the public understanding of risk and says that if the estimated reductions in death really were down to coffee, then an extra cup of coffee every day would extend the life of a man by around three months and a woman by around a month on average.

But despite the sheer scale of the study, it is by no means perfect and cannot prove that coffee beans are the magic ingredient.

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