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Court sets free Farhan Asif facing investigation over spreading fake news in UK

Lahore: A judicial magistrate of Lahore has set free an accused Farhan Asif allegedly responsible for riots in England.

During the course of hearing investigation officer (IO) apprised the court the fake news had already been spread before sharing by Farhan Asif.

As per the IO we investigated him in all manners but any prove found from the accused.

In a query of the court that the accused shared the story with whom and he deleted the story to which the accused Farhan Asif apprised the court that he deleted the story after six hours.

Later accepting Farhan Asif insist discharged him from all the accusations.

It is pertinent to mention here that Lahore police had arrested Farhan Asif on charges of spreading a fake news which allegedly resulted into riots in the UK and later he was handed over to the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA).

The fake news spread in the UK said that a Muslim immigrant was responsible for killing of three children in the UK city of South Port.

Whereas in real a native of Rwanda was responsible for the killings.