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Creating Chaos In Pakistan Is The Agenda Of Our Enemies: Firdous

Lahore: Special Assistant Chief Minister Punjab (SACM) Firdous Ashiq Awan hsa said that Pakistan came into being in the sacred month of Ramzan Ul Mubarak on the name of Kalma Tayyeba adding that weakening Pakistan, spreading chaos and dividing us is the agenda of our enemies.

The SACM on Monday morning, in her message on twitter, said that it is regrettable that our few sensless friend deliberately or undeliberately are becoming tool of our enemies.

She said that the country is in state of war against the global pandemic choronavirus while she said that in the leadership of Prime Minister Imran Khan the government is striving for protection of live and properties of the people.

Firdous Awan said that in this worrying situation, some naughty politicians and religeous leaders are thinking about strike.

She warned that action will be taken against miscreants while every conspiracy will be foiled with the help of the people.