Abb Takk News

Death anniversary of founder of Khaksar movement Allama Inayatullah Mashriqi being observed today

Web Desk: The 61st death anniversary of founder of Khaksar movement, and writer, religious scholar and prominent mathematician Allama Inayatullah Mashriqi is being observed today.

Allama Inayatullah Mashriqi was born on 25 August 1883 in Amritsar.

He graduated from Cambridge University in England with distinction in mathematics and physics.
He was a scholar of great stature and author of several books.

In 1931, Allama Mashriqi established a party called Khaksar Tehreek whose manifesto was discipline, service and obedience.

Soon the movement became a formidable political organization across India.

Allama Inayatullah died in Lahore on this day in 1963. ،