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Death Toll Rises To 63 in Guatemala Volcano Eruption

Mexico City (June 05, 2018): The number of fatalities from a massive volcano eruption in Guatemala rose to 63 on Monday, an official in the Central American country said.

Only 13 of the dead have been identified so far, Mirna Zeledon, a spokeswoman for Guatemala´s National Institute of Forensic Sciences told the journalists.The eruption of Fuego – Spanish for “fire” – on Sunday was the biggest in more than four decades, forcing the closure of Guatemala´s main international airport and dumping ash on thousands of acres (hectares) of coffee farms on the volcano´s slopes.

At least 15 people have been hospitalized, including 12 children — some of whom suffered severe burns, the nation’s health ministry said.Volcanic ash has already stretched across a 12-mile radius, and winds could carry the cloud even farther, officials said. More than 3,100 people have been evacuated and 1.7 million people have been affected by the eruption.

Authorities urged residents living near the volcano to evacuate immediately and warned some in Chimaltenango, Sacatepequez and Escuintla states to watch out for volcanic rocks and ash.

Residents were told to avoid roads close to the volcano and make sure water is not contaminated.

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