Abb Takk News

Islamabad: Number of cases and deaths from the global pandemic coronavirus continuously decreasing as 34 deaths and 1,019 cases reported in the last 24 hours.

According to National Command and Operation Center (NCOC) 34 patients who were on ventilator succumbed to the coronavirus in the last 24 hours after which total death from the virus reached 21, 723.

The NCOC added that over 2, 676 patients are in critical condition who are hospitatlized in more than 631 hospitals of the country. As per the NCOC, over 39, 214 tests were conducted out of which 1,019 cases tested positive.

The positivity rate remained 2.59 while active cases of coronavirus are 41,726 while the number of recovered patients are 8,78, 740. On the other hand as many as 54,39, 101 people vaccinated for single dose while 19, 783 people inoculated both the doses.