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Khalid Removes Reservations Of Farooq Sattar, His Inclusion In MQM-P Likely After Eid

Karachi: Convener of Muttahida Quami Movement Pakistan (MQM-P) Dr Khalid Maqbool Siddique has removed all the reservations of Dr. Farooq Sattar regarding the party matters.

A formula and matters are also settled regarding the office bearers of Dr Farooq Sattar’s organization and adjustment of independent candidates for local bodies elections.

After Eid Ul Adha, Dr Farooq Sattar announcement to join the MQM-P is expected. Sources said that the officer bearers of Dr Farooq Sattar’s party in Karachi and Hyderabad will be adjusted in the MQM-P

It is likely that a general workers meeting will be called at Karachi Metropolitan Corporation (KMC) stadium in PIB after upcoming Eid.

Dr Farooq Sattar in the general workers meeting will announce his inclusion in the MQM-P.

Former mayor can also announce his party withdrawal from NA-245 by-election and can also announce an important announcement regarding candidates of local bodies elections.