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Eid-ul-Azha 2018: New Trend Becomes Popular

Web Desk (August 04, 2018): As Eid-ul-Azha 2018 is just around the corner, a new trend of online Qurbani service has hit the market, and is lately getting quite popular across Pakistan.

According to reports, the citizens are showing keen interest in online purchase of sacrificial animals that can not only save their time but also help them avoid poor conditions and the rush of traffic in highly congested cattle markets.

The trend of purchasing sacrificial animals online has gained momentum all over Pakistan including federal capital , as the practices makes life easier for people who do not have time to make a trip to the market to select their sacrificial animal.According to online Goat Markets , If you don’t feel like making your way through cattle markets crowded with buyers and animals, then log on to the internet for having a cow or goat delivered to your doorstep.

According to details, photo, video, voices and other descriptions including types and prices of the goats and other sacrificial animals are being provided on the internet, by online cattle traders which makes it easier for the customers to make their choice, as per their requirements and budget.

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