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Study Finds Pot Compound May Affect Epilepsy Medications

Web Desk(August 13, 1017): Scientists experimenting with the marijuana compound cannabidiol as an epilepsy treatment must evaluate any interactions with other anti-seizure drugs patients are taking, researchers report.

Cannabidiol (CBD) has shown promise as a potential anti-seizure compound in animal and human studies, the researchers said. They are testing it as a therapy for difficult-to-control epilepsy in 39 adults and 42 children.

Blood levels of some of the drugs changed significantly, but except for clobazam, they did not deviate from the normally accepted range when the patients took cannabidiol, the study found.

The researchers also found that adult patients taking clobazam reported feeling sedated more often.

A perception exists that since CBD is plant-based, that it is natural and safe; and while this may be mostly true, our study shows that CBD, just like other antiepileptic drugs, has interactions with other seizure drugs that patients and providers need to be aware of,” Dr. Tyler Gaston said.

Another concern was noted with participants taking valproate and CBD. The study found they had higher liver function test results compared with participants not taking valproate.

Monitoring liver function would be important during treatment with CBD, the researchers said.

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