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Study Warns of Danger of Riding Playground Slide With Children

Web Desk(September 17, 2017): A new study finds that while young kids may feel safer going down a slide on a parent’s lap, this common practice actually raises their risk for harm.

“Many parents and caregivers go down a slide with a young child on their lap without giving it a second thought,” said Dr. Charles.

“And in most cases I have seen, the parents had no idea that doing so could possibly give their child such a significant injury. They often say they would never have done it had they known,” he added.

For the study, the researchers checked a national database of injuries treated in emergency departments.  The investigators identified more than 350,000 playground slide injuries involving children younger than 6 years old that occurred from 2002 through 2015.

Of these injuries, 59 percent involved boys. Some of the children had cuts. More than one-third of children who landed in the ER after going down a slide on an adult’s lap had broken a bone, the study showed. The researchers noted these breaks usually involved the child’s lower leg.

Lower leg injuries can result when a child’s foot gets caught on the edge or the bottom of the slide, causing it to twist or bend backwards, according to the researchers.

Slide injuries are more likely to occur when children are riding with a parent because the added weight of an adult increases their forward momentum.

“If children use a slide alone, however, their smaller size and weight are unlikely to result in a severe leg injury”, researchers explained.

Adults and teens should not go down slides with a child on their lap, the researchers advised.

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