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San Suu Kyi Stripped of ‘Freedom of Oxford’

Naypyidaw(October 4 ,2017): Myanmar’s de facto leader Aung San Suu Kyi has been stripped of an honour in Oxford, England, as criticism of her role in the Rohingya crisis grows across the world.

The removal of the Freedom of Oxford by the city council comes only days after the University of Oxford college Ms Suu Kyi attended as an undergraduate, St Hugh’s, removed a painting of her from public display and placed it in storage.

Ms Suu Kyi lived in the United Kingdom in the 1960s and 70s. Ms Suu Kyi was awarded the Freedom of Oxford in 1997 and received an honorary degree from the university in 2012.

Other organisations are considering withdrawing honours given to the 72-year-old Nobel laureate who has failed to condemn her country’s military for atrocities against persecuted Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar’s Rakhine state,  John said.

The United Nations has described an offensive by Myanmar – backed by vigilante Buddhist mobs – as ethnic cleansing while Human Rights Watch says it amounts to crimes against humanity under international law.

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Oxford University Removes Suu Kyi’s Portrait