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CPEC: China Rebuffs Financial Times Report

Islamabad (September 10, 2018): Chinese embassy in Islamabad has rejected an article published in Financial Times, saying it is based on distorted and misquoted information.

In its reaction, the embassy in a written statement said the article ignored CPEC or traditional partnership of Pakistan and China.

It added that it is a firm consensus between China and Pakistan that the CPEC is a mutually beneficial project and both the governments will carry it forward according to the needs and development of Pakistan.Earlier, Pakistan’s Foreign Office said in a statement, “The two sides agreed to work together towards implementation of the ongoing projects and agreed to expand CPEC to new areas of cooperation including socio-economic development, poverty alleviation, anti-corruption, agricultural cooperation and industrial development as per the needs and priorities of the government of Pakistan.”

There was complete consensus on the future trajectory of CPEC between Pakistan and China, said the foreign office on Sunday.   The FO said in a statement, “The two sides agreed to work together towards implementation of the ongoing projects and agreed to expand CPEC to new areas of cooperation including socio-economic development, poverty alleviation, anti-corruption, agricultural cooperation and industrial development as per the needs and priorities of the government of Pakistan.”

The two sides had in-depth exchange of views on all issues of mutual interest. The visit provided an opportunity to the two sides to reaffirm their “all-weather strategic cooperative partnership”.Pakistani leadership has conveyed to Chinese State Councillor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi that China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) was a national priority for the government, Foreign Office said on Monday.“Pakistan remains committed to the successful implementation of CPEC,” the Foreign Office statement said on the completion of Chinese minister’s visit to Pakistan. Wang Yi paid an official visit to Pakistan from September 7-9.

During his visit, Wang Yi held delegation level talks with foreign minister followed by a joint press conference. He also called on the President, the Prime Minister, Speaker National Assembly and the Chief of Army Staff.

He conveyed the message of goodwill and support from the Chinese leadership for the new government of Pakistan.

Earlier, advisor to Prime Minister Razzak Dawood in a clarification on his interview published in Financial Times Monday, said he had been quoted out of context by the newspaper and a detailed response in this regard will be issued today.

“The previous government did a bad job negotiating with China on CPEC — they didn’t do their homework correctly and didn’t negotiate correctly so they gave away a lot,” The Financial Times reported, quoting Dawood, PM’s Adviser on Commerce, Textile, Industry & Production and Investment.

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“Chinese companies received tax breaks, many breaks and have an undue advantage in Pakistan; this is one of the things we’re looking at because it’s not fair that Pakistan companies should be disadvantaged.”

The adviser was quoted as saying: “I think we should put everything on hold for a year so we can get our act together,” he added. “Perhaps we can stretch CPEC out over another five years or so.”

Related News:

China, Pakistan On Same Page Over CPEC: FO   

FT Interview Quoted Out of Context: Razzak Dawood