Abb Takk News
Abbtakk special

Govt. Evolves New Mechanism for Hajj Arrangements

Ministry of Religious Affairs (MORA) has developed an improved mechanism of Hajj arrangements this year keeping in view the feedback of the pilgrims.

Director Hajj Syed Imtiaz Hussain Shah in an interview to National media in Makkah, said that this year the menu of meal has been changed and further improved and effort has also been made to procure best possible accommodation for Hajj pilgrims.

The Director Hajj said that last year in Mina the Hujjaj were served with one time cooked food and dry meal in the breakfast but this year on the desire of pilgrims, cooked food will be given to them  three times as is being to them in the buildings.  Each pilgrim will also be given two bottles of Zam Zam. At Arafat, fire proof tents will be available to the pilgrims. There will also be special bath rooms for persons with special needs.

Syed Imtiaz Hussain pointed out that last year about seventy one thousand pilgrims performed Hajj under the government scheme but this year the figure has soared to one hundred and seven thousand which is about fifty percent more than the previous year. He said we have arranged accommodation for Hujjaj at Aziziya and Batha Quresh which are about five to eight kilometres away from Haram Sharif.  He said a twenty four hour transport system has been arranged to facilitate the movement of Hujjaj to and from Haram Sharif.

Responding to a question about the Hajj Medical Mission, the Director Hajj said one hospital each has been established in Makkah and Madina to provide timely medical aid to Pakistani pilgrims.

He said nine dispensaries have also been set up in each sector where Pakistani pilgrims are residing. This year, he said, five hundred and forty member medical staff will be visiting the holy land. About fifty percent of the staff has already arrived while the remaining will soon be reaching both Makkah and Madina.

Syed Imtiaz Hussain said that mobile dispensaries are also operational to provide immediate medical aid to any Pakistani pilgrim.

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