Abb Takk News

‘Honour’ Takes One More Life In Jhelum

Jhelum (April 13, 2018): Honour killing, even after swallowing many lives continues, as a woman has been killed for ‘honour’ in Pind Dadan Khan district of Jhelum, Punjab.

According to the details, a women named Shagufta, resident of Jalalpur Sharif, sought to marry of her own will to a man named Hussain.Related imageUpon her family’s refusal to allow her to wed the man of her choosing, Shagufta had run away to Hussain’s house.

However, vowing to allow her to marry Hussain, Shagufta’s relatives brought her back home after a few days but strangled her to death upon return.

The Police took Shagufta’s body into custody after a tip-off information and shifted it to a local hospital for post-mortem.Image result for Honour killingPolice officials said they will conduct further investigations into the matter after the post-mortem report is issued.

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