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HRW demands Nobel “Peace” Prize winner Aung San Suu Kyi to stop massacre of Muslims

MYANMAR: Over 1,000 homes of minority Rohingya Muslims were savagely destroyed in many villages of  Myanmar.

According to Human Rights Watch (HRW) it has satellite evidence confirming the horrific atrocities committed by the government forces in northwestern part of the country where the houses of Rohingya Muslims were destroyed.

According to foreign news agency HRW’s Asia director Brad Adams said that the alarming new satellite images confitm the mass destruction in villages of Rohingya Muslims.

HRW has demanded the government of Myanmar lead by Nobel “Peace Prize winner Aung San Suu Kyi” to invite United Nations to conduct a probe into the massive destruction that HRW believes was carried by the Myanmar army and which is far more massive and far more expansive.

Adams has also demanded called on Myanmar’s government, led by Nobel “Peace Prize winner Aung San Suu Kyi” to stop “responding with military-era style accusations and denials,” urging it instead to “simply look at the facts and take action to protect all people … whatever their religion or ethnicity.”

Humanitarian aid groups say tens of thousands of people have been displaced by the recent violence with many of them attempting to flee to neighboring Bangladesh.