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Quetta blast: No. of martyrs rises to 74, condolence messages keep pouring in

QUETTA: Sorrow and gloom still pervades the air on the third day of the deadly blast at Civil hospital here. The attendance of students at educational institutions remain thin while the number of martyrs has risen to 74 and the martyrs are being laid to rest in their ancestral villages.

The condolence messages from political and military leadership keeps on pouring and Chief Minister Balochistan Sanaullah Zahri met the family of Aaj News cameraman Ameen Shazad who was martyred in the blast to offer his condolence.

Saying that he understands the pain of separation from the near and dear ones Sana reiterated the determination to eliminate a handful of terrorists and the continuation of the war against terrorism which if left unfinished will tantamount to betrayal of the blood of the martyrs. He appealed to the people to extend fullest support to war against terrorism.

Earlier Commander Southern Command Lt. Gen Amir Riaz visited the house of the martyred cameraman of Aaj News and offered condolence to his family. Calling Ameen a martyr of the entire nation he said that Pak Army will not leave the effected family alone. He also reiterated the determination to bring terrorists to the dock.

It may be mentioned here that 15 more injureds of the blast were shifted to Aga Khan hospital, Karachi late last night where they are undergoing treatment.

The number of the injureds shifted to Karachi from Quetta has now risen to 42.