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Water Comm. Asks CS To Submit Work Plan By Tomorrow

Karachi(January 30, 2018): Water Commission has demanded from chief secretary to submit work plan and ordered to produce report regarding the water board and Govt steps about stability of local bodies by tomorrow.

According to the details, the case was heard in Sindh High Court, headed by the water commission head Justice(R) Amir Hani Muslim.

Chief secretary and chairman planning and development could not appear before commission, however additional secretary health Rehan Baloch, Additional advocate general Sarwar Khan and others appeared.The head of commission expressed anger on chief secretary and chairman planning for remaining absent.

Advocate general stated that chief secretary has called a meeting of experts that’s why he was unable to appear.

Commission head remarked that govt has only one day to provide a plan, otherwise I will give my plan.

Justice(R) Amir Hani Muslim expressed his anger on solid waste management and said that we know how solid waste management has worked, Civil and Liyari Hospitals are at it’s worst.He further inquired that according to which law a professor is granted with DDO’s authority? i know each and everything, there is no single hospital in Sindh is operating properly.

Supreme court ordered to install incinerators which hasn’t been followed yet. I’m forwarding this matter to supreme court today.

The hearing was adjourned till tomorrow.