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UN: Westerns Demand Russia Halt Offensive In Syria Ceasefire Zone

Web Desk(June 28, 2018): Western powers on the UN Security Council called for Russia to “uphold its commitments” in Syria and halt a Russian-backed offensive by regime forces in the south, where a ceasefire is meant to be in place.

“The United States can confirm that Russia itself launched air strikes in the southwest de-escalation zone in recent days,” said Jonathan Cohen, the US deputy ambassador to the United Nations.“To be clear: the unilateral military operations underway by the Assad regime and Russia in southwest Syria represent a violation of the ceasefire arrangement reaffirmed by President (Donald) Trump and President (Vladimir) Putin,” he said, after deadly air strikes pounded the southwest of Syria and its main city Daraa, where the uprising against President Bashar al-Assad started in 2011.


“The United States remains determined to keep our commitment to the ceasefire,” Cohen told the monthly UN meeting on Syria.“We urge our Russian partners to also uphold the ceasefire that it helped to establish, with the partnership of Jordan and the United States.”

French ambassador Francois Delattre called on “everyone, starting with Russia, to uphold their commitments so that this offensive ceases immediately.”

“It is vital that Russia honors the agreement reached a year ago and immediately guarantees an end to hostilities,” he said, noting that “an additional wave of refugees would create a long-term destabilization of neighboring countries, in particular, Jordan.”

British ambassador Karen Pierce joined her Dutch and Swedish counterparts in warning of a re-run of the offensives last year against the rebel enclaves of Aleppo and eastern Ghouta, including deadly bombardments followed by a retaking of territory and an accord to evacuate rebels from the areas.

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