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Ending Diplomatic Ties Completely With India Under Consideration: FO

ISLAMABAD: Foreign Office Spokesperson Dr. Muhammad Faisal has said Prime Minister Imran Khan has directed for utilizing all options after the revocation of Article 370 by India.

Addressing weekly press briefing, he said Pakistan rejects the unilateral action by India to change the status of Jammu and Kashmir adding that India has been informed about the decisions of the National Security Committee while Pakistan will not send its high commissioner to India.

Dr. Muhammad Faisal said occupied Kashmir has been turned into the biggest jail of the world. He called upon the international community to take notice of the atrocities against innocent people in occupied Kashmir.

The Foreign Office spokesperson said Kashmir has been on the agenda of the UNSC and is a disputed territory. Its final resolution has to be made under a UN-administered free and fair plebiscite to ascertain the wishes of the Kashmiri people.

He told a questioner that Pakistan’s Kartarpur initiative will continue notwithstanding the latest developments. Pakistan respects all religions and would continue the project.

On a question regarding the US delegation visit to Pakistan, the Foreign Office spokesperson said the Foreign Secretary received the US delegation yesterday which included the US Assistant Secretary of State Alice Wells and Treasury Department Deputy Assistant Secretary Scott Rembrandt.

The wide-ranging discussions focused on the prevailing situation in Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir, Pak-US relationship, Afghan peace and reconciliation process and implementation of the National Action Plan and FATF plan. He said the Foreign Secretary while drawing attention to the prevailing human rights and security situation in Occupied Kashmir, underlined the importance of violation of UN Security Council resolutions by India which pose a serious threat to peace and stability in South Asia. Both sides agreed to build the positive momentum in bilateral ties, keeping in view the shared vision of the leadership of the two countries.

When asked about the response of the international community to the situation, the Foreign Office spokesperson said it is a continuous process. International reaction is pouring in on this development and so far the response is very positive to our stance.

He told another questioner that Pakistan is always ready for negotiations and dialogue for peaceful resolution of issues. It is India that has always shied away from negotiations and talk.

In reply to a question, Dr. Mohammad Faisal rejected the impression that Chief of Jama’at-ud-Da’wah Hafiz Saeed has been released. He said any news in this regard is fake.

Dr. Mohammad Faisal told a questioner that Pakistan believes that Hong Kong’s affairs are China’s internal matter. The measures taken by the Central Government of China and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region government to safeguard national sovereignty and Hong Kong’s prosperity and stability are correct. All countries should uphold international law and the basic norm of non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries.