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Finance Ministry Apprises NA, Dollar Price Lowers To Rs 190 or 200 Once Country Receives IMF Loan

Islamabad: The finance ministry on Friday claimed in the National Assembly (NA) session that the US dollar price will decline to Rs 190 to Rs 200.

The NA session was held in the Chair of Speaker NA Raja Pervez Ashraf , on the attention notice by the PPP members including Qadir Khan Mandokhel, the parliamentary finance secretary Rana Ishaq Khan apprised that the dollar will devalue to Rs 190 to 200 after receiving the IMF loan.

The parliamentary affairs secretary, apprised further that relief provided to poor section of society and salaried class.

The speaker NA told the session that resignation of 11 members of the PTI have approved.

Parliamentary secretary Mahnaz Akbar presented inter-governmental trade transaction bill 2022 in the NA.

Federal Minister Murtaza Javed Abbassi presented a motion to send Public Procurement Regulatory Authority Bill to joint session of the parliament after refusal from the senate, which was approved.

The session adjourned till evening of Monday.