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Firefighters push back blaze outside Baitul Muqadas

Firefighters have pushed back blaze outside Baitul Muqadas. The fires continued to burn in different parts of Israel Saturday morning, with 350 Israelis being evacuated from the West Bank settlement of Halamish, where the blaze destroyed 15 homes and damaged 25 more.

It took over 20 firefighting crews to put the fire in Halamish under partial control.

In Nataf, a Jewish community in the Baitul Muqadas-area hit hard by the fire, forces managed to contain the flames, pushing them back down the mountain and away from homes. However, due to the dry and windy weather conditions, there are fears new blazes would spread.

In Haifa, the fire was all but subdued, and forces battled only a number of small fires overnight. Residents of the northern community of Harashim were allowed to return to their homes after the fire in the Galilee region was also contained.

Saturday morning also saw some 69 firefighting forces from Cyprus arrive in Israel to help quell the brushfires.