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FM Qureshi Announces Establishment of ‘Kashmir Cell’ in FO

ISLAMABAD: Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi announced the establishment of a Kashmir Cell in the Foreign Office in order to give impetus to the ongoing efforts and pursue a focused approach on Kashmir.

FM Qureshi and Director General of Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) Major General Asif Ghafoor on Saturday held a joint press conference regarding Pakistan’s stance on the Indian-occupied Kashmir.

Giving details of the decisions taken in the meeting, the foreign minister said it has been decided to establish a Kashmir Cell in the Foreign Office in order to give impetus to the ongoing efforts and pursue a focused approach on Kashmir.

He said the foreign secretary has been directed to prepare a structure for the Kashmir Cell and present before him for approval.

FM Qureshi said it has also been decided to establish Kashmir cells in Pakistan’s embassies in the key capitals. He said a focal person in each of these embassies will ensure a coordinated effort.

The Foreign Minister said: “Pakistan is keeping a close eye on the evolving situation in occupied Kashmir and the process of consultations will continue.”

Shah Mahmood Qureshi also warned the international community that India can carry out any false flag operation near the Line of Control to divert world attention from its illegal actions and human rights violations in occupied Kashmir.

“We have doubts on the Indian intent and actions,” he said, “The nation and its institutions are ready to respond to any Indian belligerence.”

The Foreign Minister said the UN Security Council meeting on Kashmir is a big diplomatic victory of Pakistan and defeat of India. He, however, said this is a continuing process and the country will fight the Kashmir cause on all fronts.

“Today’s India is not that of Nehru but of Modi and there is a clear difference between the two,” he said.

The Foreign Minister said the UN Security Council meeting on Kashmir is a big diplomatic victory of Pakistan and defeat of India.

Shah Mahmood Qureshi said the opposition parties have been given representation in the special committee on Kashmir. He said the opposition parties participated in the meeting today and gave the message of unity on Kashmir.