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General Polls To Be Held On Time: Information Minister

Islamabad(June 25, 2018): Information Minister Ali Zafar has said the general elections will be held as per schedule on 25th of next month.      

Talking to the media persons in Islamabad on Monday, he said the rumors regarding delay in the polls have died down. He said now our efforts must be to ensure free, fair and transparent elections.

Regarding polls in the tribal areas, the Information Minister said that constitution will be followed on the matter.

He said according to the constitution the election for the MPAs in the tribal areas will be held in one year time.

Earlier, addressing an exhibition titled “China in Stamps”, the Information Minister said that Pak-China friendship is getting strengthened not only politically but diplomatically, culturally and economically as well.He said that China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is a latest type of economic cooperation between Pakistan and China.

The Information Minister said that freedom of expression is of vital importance. He said corruption can be eradicated and transparency can be ensured through sharing information with the general public.

Earlier today, the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) dismissed three petitions seeking a delay in the General Election 2018.

Earlier while hearing the petitions requesting a delay in the general election scheduled for July 25, the chief election commissioner had reserved his verdict.

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However, shortly after the chief election commissioner dismissed the petitions.

During the hearing, Kamran Murtaza, the counsel of the petitioners, said, “We do not want a delay in elections but want elections to be held across the country on the same day.”“The reason for elections to be held country-wide on the same day is to ensure that nobody is neglected and that elections are not influenced by the ruling party as seen in the by-elections,” the counsel added.

Murtaza further said, “It is the constitutional right of the people of the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) to vote for their candidates.”

To this, the chief election commissioner remarked, “There was fresh delimitation of constituencies in FATA.”“We made one committee for the delimitation of constituencies in FATA and Islamabad.”

After hearing the arguments, the ECP dismissed all three petitions calling for a delay in the general election.

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