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Genocide of Rohingya Muslims continue in Myanmar, Bangladesh army kill 12 asylum seekers    

NAYPYIDAW: Myanmar army is involved in genocide of Rohingya Muslims and Aung San Suu Kyi, the ‘Nobel Peace Prize’ holder did nothing to stop the bloodshed of the Muslim minority in the country, despite the world appealed her to play role to stop the atrocities against the Muslims.       

Myanmar army along with Buddhist extremists are killing Muslims in the country. They set Muslim areas on fire and gun down the persons, who escape from inferno.

On the other hand, Bangladesh army killed 12 asylum seekers at the border. According to the details, few thousand Muslims succeeded to flee from Rakhine, province of Myanmar and arrived at Bangladesh border but Bangladesh refused to give the asylum. Bangladeshi army gunned down 12 asylum seekers when some of them entered in Bangladeshi territory.

It is pertinent to mention here that thousands of Muslims were burnt alive and thousands others killed in Rakhine. While thousands of Muslims were missing after their boats sank in the sea, while they were attempting to save their souls.