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Gilani’s Sons Summoned to Delhi for Investigation

New Delhi (August 28, 2017): Extremely panicked about Kashmirs’ resolve to sacrifice any and everything to get the right of self-determination as promised by the United Nations about 70 years ago Indian is doing all it can to stop the separation of the part of Kashmir that it continues occupying.

As Indian forces continue perpetrating all kinds of atrocities and torture on unarmed Kashmiris who just do not live with India the country’s National Investigation Agency (ANI)has once again summoned two sons of elderly Hurriet Conference  leader Syed Ali Gilani to  New Delhi for investigations today.

The ANI has also summoned the leader of Kashmir Liberation Front Noor Muhammad for investigation to New Delhi today. ANI has also arrested seven people including Gilani’s son-in-law in a fake money laundering case.

Meanwhile, Indian army’s siege and search operations continue in Pulwama district of Indian-held Kashmir. Indian army arrested many Kashmiri youth and dispatched them off to unknown destinations during late night house-to-house raids.

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