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Glimpses of Youm -e-Takbeer

Karachi (May 28, 2017): The nation marks Youm -e-Takbeer every year on 28th May with zeal and fervour and commemorate the historical event when Pakistan conducted a series of nuclear tests on this day under the leadership of then Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif

Then Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif stood firm before international pressure and lucrative offers of aid to abondon the plan to conduct the test but the PM decided to conduct the nuclear test and made the country’s defence impregnable.

The nuclear test was conducted on the hills of Chaghi, Balochistan.  The black graphite mountain transformed into a milky white hill after the nuclear blast. On this day, Pakistan became the first Islamic nuclear power and seventh of the world. Pakistan showed its strength to all those countries who were trying to lower Pakistan. This day Pakistan become invincible.

Pakistan’s nuclear program was launched shortly after 1971 war. During the ruling period of General Ayub Khan, the nuclear reactor has been established by the help of Professor Abdus Salam. In 1972, Prime Minister Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto initiated the nuclear weapon development program and called all the Physicists and Engineers in Multan in 1972 and handed over the responsibility of this project to Munir Ahmed Khan.

The major advancement to Pakistan’s nuclear program was after the arrival of Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan, a Physicist and Metallurgical engineer in 1975. He brought the advanced and yet reasonable plans with him for the Uranium Enrichment Centrifuges and the list of necessary sources for the program.

On Dr. Qadeer’s suggestion, Pakistan focused its development efforts on highly enriched uranium (HEU), an extensive clandestine procurement network to support these efforts. A.Q. Khan persuaded Pakistan to work with Uranium (as compared to Plutonium) because Plutonium involves more hazardous procedures and cumbersome and expensive processes.

A.Q. Khan founded the Engineering Research Laboratories at Kahuta in 1976, which later to become the Dr. A. Q. Khan Research Laboratories (KRL). On 10th December, 1984 Dr. A.Q. Khan informed then President General Zia ulHaq through a written draft that they were able to execute nuclear blast on a week notice.

On 11th May, 1998 India again conducted three nuclear tests at Pokhran and just after two days India again tested two more of his nukes. By the grace of Almighty Allah, after 15 days of India’s nuclear test, Pakistan gave a resilient response in the form of testing the nuclear weapons on 28th May,1998 15:16 while reciting “Allah -o- Akbar (Allah is Great)” at the hills of Chaghi, Balochistan.

Scientists selected the Koh-e-Kamran for the Test. According to Pakistani Standard time the Scientist has pushed the Fire Trigger on 3:17 pm. Within few minutes of explosion the whole rock of Koh-e-Kamran turn into yellowish white ice dust.

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