Abb Takk News

Gold Medalist Javelin Thrower Arshad Nadeem Arrives in Pakistan

Pakistan’s star athlete, Arshad Nadeem, who won gold medals for Pakistan in the javelin throw events at the Commonwealth Games in Birmingham and the Islamic Solidarity Games in the Turkish city of Konya, has returned home.

Arshad Nadeem arrived in Lahore late at night from Istanbul on board a foreign airline flight. At the Allama Iqbal airport, he got heroic reception as several people including his family, friends, fans and the officials of the Pakistan Sports Board gathered at the airport to accord him a warm welcome. His fans also danced to the beat of the drums.

Talking to the media, the star athlete said that he won gold medals thanks to the prayers of the Pakistani nation. It is an honour to win two medals for Pakistan, he said.

Arshad reiterated his demand that Pakistani athletes should also get facilities like international athletes. He stressed that Pakistani athletes can win gold medals in other competitions also if they are provided with resources.