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Google honors Abdul Sattar Edhi on 89th birthday   

The technology giant, Google, has honored late philanthropist Abdul Sattar Edhi on his 89th birth anniversary on Tuesday with a doodle depicting his organisation’s welfare services.

Tuesday would have been Edhi’s 89th birthday. In his honour, Google changed its logo in the United States; Iceland; Portugal; Australia; New Zealand; Japan; Estonia; UK; Denmark; Ireland and Pakistan to a doodle, or illustration, of Edhi.

Google hailed Edhi’s “super-efficient” ambulance service. “In celebration of Abdul Sattar Edhi, let’s all lend a hand to someone in need today,” it said.


“The doodle selection process aims to celebrate interesting events and anniversaries that reflect Google’s personality and love for innovation,” the company says

The  doodle shows Edhi, who passed away in July last year, standing in his characteristically simple attire. An Edhi ambulance and Edhi Home shelter can be seen in the background.

Describing the doodle, Google said the “Angel of Mercy” Edhi was being honoured for making it his life’s mission to help others.

Abdul Sattar Edhi founded the world’s largest volunteer ambulance network in Pakistan, the Edhi Foundation. Unlike wealthy individuals that fund charities in their names, Edhi dedicated his life to the poor from the age of 20, when he himself was penniless in Karachi .

The reach of Edhi’s foundation grew internationally, and in 2015 the organisation raised  $100,000 in aid relief for the victims of  Hurricane Katrina.

Edhi was born before partition in Bantva Gujarat, India on February 28, 1928. He died last year in Karachi of renal failure.  He was offered treatment abroad, but insisted on being treated in a government hospital at home.