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Google’s Contribution In Artificial Intelligence

Web Desk (May 09,2018): Google achieves an other milestone by introducing artificial intelligence tool capable of handling daily routines.

The new feature will show efficiency for users such as making restaurant bookings — as a way to help people disconnect from their smartphone screens.

Kicking off the tech giant´s annual developers conference, Google chief executive Sundar Pichai argued that its AI-powered digital assistant had the potential to free people from everyday chores.Pichai played a recording of the Google Assistant independently calling a hair salon and a restaurant to make bookings — interacting with staff who evidently didn´t realize they were dealing with artificial intelligence software, rather than a real customer.

Tell the Google Assistant to book a table for four at 6:00 pm, it tends to the phone call in a human-sounding voice complete with “ums” and “likes,” and sends you a message with the details.

“Our vision for our assistant is to help you get things done,” Pichai told the conference in Google´s hometown of Mountain View, California.“It turns out that a big part of getting things done is making a phone call.”

Google will be testing the digital assistant improvement in the months ahead.

“Many of us feel tethered to our phones and worry about what we´ll miss if we´re not connected. We want to help people find the right balance and gain a sense of digital wellbeing,” Pichai said.

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