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Govt Sets 27B$ Export Target for Current Fiscal Year: Abdul Razzaq Dawood

Islamabad: Advisor to the Prime Minister for Commerce, Textile and Industry Abdul Razak Dawood has said that the government set an export target of 27 billion dollar for the current fiscal year.

Addressing media over economic reform package the advisor Adbul Razak Dawood said that the second economic reform package will bring large change while Finance Minister Asad Umar has courageously set a right direction.

The advisor said that at least 7 billion rupees less revenue will added to national exchequer but however speed up of industrialization will increase income in sales tax.

He said that the government has given special importance in fit-wear, auto-sector, soft-ware and chemical while vital measures will be taken for steel till June this year.

Razzaq informed that new industrial policy is being under preparation while imports of the country decreased up to 600 million dollar in December and it will reach one billion mark in January.

He added that exports are being increased due to economic policies of the incumbent government adding that the imports of the country have been decreased.

Abdul Razak Dawood said benefits of devaluation of the currency have been kicked off and export has been increased.

He said that leather industry is an important business sector of the country which has great share in the export.

He assured the business community that bad economy condition is on reverse now and industry has started grooming.