Abb Takk News

Gujrat, India: 1000s of low caste Dalit Hindus convert to Buddhism

Thousands of low caste Hindus are saying good bye to their religion are joining Buddhism in droves.turning their backs on Hinduism. What has forced these low caste Hindus to leave the religion they were born in are religious extremism which says that they deserve such a pitiful existence and the religious ranking that put them at the lowest and thus deserving of any and all mistreatment that come their way.

The Dalits have been facing such unspeakable violence and racism because of their position in society.

Accoding to a foreign news agency thousands of Dalits have converted to Buddhism in Ahmadabad, Kalol, Surendernagar and many other cities in Indian state of Gujrat.

A Hindu leader from Gujrat B J Birhat has called such massive conversion a matter of concern. If Dalits were angry with the government it has to listen to their grievances seriously. Leaving Hindu religion by thousands of people is a sign of danger, he added.

It may be mentioned here that a few months ago a number of Dalit youngsters were barbarically beaten in front of the police in Ona village of Gujrat. After the video of torture went viral protests had broken out all across Gujrat.