Abb Takk News

Hacking of Islamabad Safe City System revealed

Islamabad: It is revealed that hackers hacked Islamabad Safe City (ISC) system and stole sensitive data, sources said.

The ISC has turned offline after the attack of the hackers, sources added.

While the hacking was carried out on last Thursday as the hackers barged into the basic server of the system, sources said.

The hackers accessed the sensitive kind of data and records while the criminal date base accessed, sources apprised.

Immediately after the hackers attack,server of the system shutdown under the automatic security system while the officials have complaint of lack of alternative servers, sources said.

The whole of the authority system paralyzed with the shutting of the servers while the running of the system was impossible owing to lack of the alternative servers.

The Information Technology (IT) department of the authority has disabled all the login of the software and applications, sources informed.

All the applications necessary for accessing the servers closed.

All the services available online are hampered owing to downing of the system of Islamabad police, sources apprised.

The Islamabad police are facing difficulties in registering FIR online,sources said.

Moreover, online work has been stopped for time being in the police stations of the Islamabad, sources said.
It can take a two-day for restoration of the system while work is continued for fixing the ISCS.