Abb Takk News

Halab, Syria: Bombings kills 53 including children, injure dozens

Fifty-three people including children were killed and dozens others were injured in Syrian city of Halab from bombings by Russian and Syrian jets on densely populated areas of the city. Thirty people were also injured in aerial strikes in Idlib while 20 more died from pounding of government controlled areas of Halab by rebels.

Meanwhile, Syrian forces are advancing to recapture Raqqa from Daesh which is giving a tough resistance while Russian jets are pounding Daesh’s hideouts in border areas of the city.

Fierce fighting also continues to recapture Iraqi city of Fallujah from Daesh and forces have surrounded the northern edge of the city. The forces could enter Fallujah any moment.

Over 50,000 people stranded in Fallujah are facing acute shortage of water, edibles, and medicines and Daesh is killing citizens who are trying to flee the city.

Collective graves are discovered in Fallujah and 400 bodies were found that could possibly of the soldiers killed by Daesh.