Karachi: Caretaker provincial minister for health Dr Saad Khalid Niaz has appealed the masses to adopt precautions from the prevention of deadly disease Naegleria.
The provincial health minister has contacted to Managing Director (MD) Karachi Water and Sewerage Board (KWSB) Engineer Syed Sallahuddin expressing concerns over 11 deaths owing to the disease.
Dr Saad Khalif Niaz has requested the MD KWSB to conduct tests of water samples from all areas in the city.
He also demanded provision of a report regarding proper amount of mixing of chlorine in the water supplied to Karachi.
The interim health minister urged the KWSB MD to take measures for rising deaths from Naegleria in the city.
He said under the light of instructions of clerics and experts people of the city should avoid putting water into their noses.
He stressed the MD KWSB under the suggested instructions by the experts include putting suitable amount of chlorine into the water supplied in Karachi.