Abb Takk News

Hundreds of Fish Rain From Sky As Mega Storm Hits Malta

WEB DESK: Hundred of fish were witnessed raining from above the sky on Monday morning as the strong waves sent the fish ashore in stormy weather on the roads in Xemxija, near St Paul’s Bay in North Malta.

Along the St Julians and Sliema promenade, people and businesses were left counting the cost of damage caused by the waves that battered the shore and their buildings.

Experts said that it is the worst storm to hit Malta since 1982. Electrical poles and traffic signs were bent and broken. The gusts sent piles of sea bream (a kind of fish) flying off the sea.

It is predicted that the main reason for ‘fish rain’ may be that one of the fish farms must have broken open, causing hundreds of fish to get blown ashore.