Abb Takk News

Hurriyet Leader Yasin Malik’s Wife Concerned About His Life

ISLAMABAD: Wife of detained Hurriyat leader Mohammad Yasin Malik Mushaal Hussein Mullick on Saturday demanded world powers and human right organisations to take notice of her husband’s fast deteriorating health in the notorious Tihar Jail for raising voice against atrocities unleashed by Indian authorities in the occupied valley.

The Peace and Culture Organisation chairperson said that Yasin Malik has been in solitary confinement for the last four months, strengthening the perception that unspoken orders to inflict miseries on Yasin have been given to Tihar Jail authorities so that he may die a slow and painful death.

She appealed that everyone with a conscience and empathy should speak against this undemocratic, inhumane and tyrannical attitude of the Indian authorities so her husband’s life may be saved.

“His sole crime was to fight for the right of self-determination of Kashmiri people for which he being made to suffer a slow death trail,” she said.

Mushaal said that Yasin Malik is being tortured and denied basic health facilities by the Indian government for being a political adversary, having a different political belief and ideology.

She said that being a heart patient, Yasin suffers from certain serious ailments related to vital organs of his body including both his kidneys and needs certain life-saving drugs which he was not allowed to take in jail.

“Despite his medical issues, Yasin is not being provided with any medical facility by the court,” she lamented while adding that he should be given bail if he is not being provided with the necessary medical care he needs.