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IG,DC Islamabad & Adviser to Prime Minister Ahad Cheema eliminate from the post.

ISLAMABAD: Advisor to Prime Minister Ahad Cheema has been removed from the post , Earlier IG and DC Islamabad also eliminate from the post.

According to the sources adviser to prime minister Ahad Cheem has been removed from the post , President Alvi has approved the removal of Ahad Cheema as advisor to Caretaker Prime Minister Anwarul Haq Kakar.  

The Caretaker Prime Minister had sent a summary of the removal of Ahad Cheema from the post on the instructions of the Election Commission to the President. 

According to the President’s House, the President approved the removal of Ahad Cheema from the post. 

It should be noted that the Election Commission had ordered the removal of Ahad Cheema, Advisor to the Caretaker Prime Minister on Establishment.

The Election Commission had asked for the implementation report regarding his removal and had taken notice of the non-receipt of the report, which is to be heard tomorrow.

Earlier IG Islamabad Akbar Nasir Khan and Deputy Commissioner Irfan Nawaz Memon have also been removed from their posts on the orders of the Election Commission