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ICJ has no jurisdiction to hear case Jadhav case: FO

Islamabad (May 18, 2017): Foreign Office spokesperson Nafees Zakaria on Thursday said that Pakistan had written letter to United National over attempt to change geographical status of Kashmir, saying that India was involved in worst kind of human right violation in India-Occupied Kashmir.

Addressing weekly press briefing at Foreign Office, Zakaria said that Pakistan was concerned at arrest of Hurriyat leaders in IHK.

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The spokesman said that Advisor to Prime Minister on foreign Affairs had written a letter to UN Secretary General against Indian attempts to change the geographical status if Kashmir.

Regarding Kulbhushan Jadhav, Zakria said by raising the issue India tried to divert the world’s attention from its state terrorism inside Pakistan.

“After India stood exposed in state sponsored terrorism and financing terrorism, it tried to divert attention from presenting the Kulbushan Jadhav case with a humanitarian angle,” he added.

Talking about the Jadhav case at the International Court of Justice, he said Pakistan submitted reply in line with Article 36 of the United Nations’ Charter, explaining that Pakistan, in some issues, does not recognise the jurisdiction of the ICJ.

FO Spokesperson further said that  International Court of Justice (ICJ) has no jurisdiction to hear case of Indian RAW agent Kulbhushan Yadav as it pertains to the national security of Pakistan.

Nafees Zakaria said Pakistan’s reply [to the court] was submitted in line with Article 36 of the Vienna Convention, explaining that Pakistan, in some issues, does not recognize the jurisdiction of the ICJ.

He also said that the situation of human rights in the Indian-occupied Kashmir (IoK) is deplorable.  India was trying to portray Kulbhushan Yadav case as a humanitarian issue to divert world attention from its state atrocities in occupied Kashmir, the spokesman said.

Expressing concern over Indian extremist outfit RSS activities in Held Kashmir, Nafees Zakaria said, RSS was reorganizing in IoK. He said RSS had killed 500,000 Kashmiri.

India has also closed down about 36 television channels in IoK to suppress the voice of the people, he claimed. “The international community needs to play an important role in solving the Kashmir issue,” he urged.

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