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IMF demands enaction of strict policy for prevention of money laundering, suspected transactions

Islamabad: The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has demanded an enaction of a strict policy to avoid money laundering and suspected transactions under the guise of imports.

The IMF review missions talks with the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) and the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) officials are continued in Islamabad.

As the internatioanl lender has declared measures taken by the FBR and the SBP for prevention of a money laundering in the guise of imports not enough.

The IMF delegation visiting Pakistan for a review for next tranchee to Pakistan , the IMF has directed taking a strict measures for prevention of money laundering till next month December.

Sources of the FBR said that the IMF mission was given detailed breifing on the tax crimes.

A suggestion was surfaced in the talks that a clear policy be enacted for tax crimes and suspected transanctions, sources said.

The talks urged stricter punishment be approved in the finance bill, sources said.