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Implementation on ceasefire between Syrian govt, opposition starts

Implementation on the nationwide ceasefire agreement between the Syrian Government and rebel groups started.

But just before the ceasefire, some 40 people including children were killed when the Syrian regime forces targeted school in bombardment.

The truce — brokered by Russia and Turkey, who will act as guarantors — came into effect at midnight, according to Russian President Vladmir Putin.

He said Syrian parties would also take part in talks which will be held in Kazakhstan in early 2017. “The agreements reached are, of course, fragile, need special attention and involvement,” Mr Putin said.

Within hours, monitors and a rebel official reported clashes between insurgents and regime forces along the provincial boundary between Idlib and Hama, and isolated incidents of gunfire further south.

Warring sides appeared to have stopped firing in many other areas however.

Talks on a ceasefire picked up momentum after Russia, Iran and Turkey last week said they were ready to back a deal and adopted a declaration setting out principles that any agreement should adhere to.