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India Has Turned Occupied Kashmir into Garrison: Gilani

Srinanagar, Indian-Held Kashmir (July 14, 2017): Entire Kashmir is being been turned into a garrison with strict curfew and restrictions in place all across the Occupied Kashmir including downtown Srinagar, Chairman All Parties Hurriet Conference Syed Ali Gilani has said in a statement paying tributes to the martyrs all across Indian-held Kashmir Yesterday. He also condemned the recent attack on Amarnath yatris.

Meanwhile,  other Kashmiri leaders also denounced the imposition of curfew and other restrictions by the puppet authorities to prevent a march towards Naqshband Sahib in Srinagar yesterday.

Call for the march was given by the joint resistance leadership comprising Syed Ali Gilani, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq and Muhammad Yasin Malik to pay tributes to the martyrs of 13th July 1931 on their martyrdom anniversary. Indian police arrested Syed Ali Gilani and Mirwaiz Umar Farooq on Thursday when they tried to lead the march towards Naqshband Sahib where these martyrs remain buried. Yasin Malik was already under illegal detention at Srinagar Central Jail.

The Chairman of Hurriyat forum, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, in a statement asked the puppet regime that how long it would continue the policy of restrictions and repression against the Kashmiri people and resistance leadership. “Tyranny and oppression have touched heights in Kashmir and all rights and liberties of people have disappeared. Repeatedly, Jamia Masjid Srinagar is locked down. Curfew and restrictions are imposed in areas around it,” he said.

The Mirwaiz said that Kashmir had been turned into a big jail and its inhabitants into prisoners. He said that how long Kashmiris would be made to pay and suffer for demanding their right to self-determination.

In a statement issued here Senior APHC leader, Agha Syed Hassan Al-Moosvi Al-Safvi condemned the arrest and detention of resistance leaders on the Martyrs Day said, the martyrs are the heroes of Kashmiri people and barring the masses from offering tributes to the martyrs proves the frustration of the puppet authorities. He said that pro-India opportunist politicians had no right to visit the Martyrs’ Graveyard as they were assisting New Delhi to strengthen its illegal hold over Jammu and Kashmir.

It is to mention here that the troops of Dogra Maharaja had killed 22 Kashmiris, one after the other, outside Srinagar Central Jail on July 13 in 1931 during the court proceedings against one Abdul Qadeer who had asked the Kashmiri people to defy the Dogra rule.

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