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India reacts to Nawaz-Trump phone call in sarcastic tone

Indian government sarcastically reacted to the telephonic conversation between the US President-elected Donald Trump and Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Shairf, saying that it is looking forward to US President-elect Donald Trump addressing what it referred to as Pakistan’s ‘most outstanding of outstanding problems’ – terrorism.

The comments come in response to the Trump-Nawaz phone call which left media abuzz. From what it seems, India had a tough time believing that the call actually took place.

“We have seen the reports of the conversation (between Trump and PM Nawaz) that were one-sided and claimed the President-elect promised to help Pakistan with all outstanding issues,” Ministry of External Affairs spokesperson, Vikas Swarup said, when asked to comment on Pakistan’s statement pertaining to Trump’s offer to help resolve ongoing tensions between Pakistan and India.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs Pakistan on Thursday said, “Pakistan welcomes Trump’s willingness to play a role in resolving the outstanding issues between Pakistan and India, including the core issue of Indian-held Kashmir.”

United States President-elect Donald Trump said on Wednesday he would love to visit Pakistan.

“Trump said he would love to come to a fantastic country, fantastic place of fantastic people,” a statement issued by the PM House said.  Hinting at playing a mediator in resolving the longstanding dispute between Islamabad and New Delhi, the US president-elect said he was ready to play any role to find solutions to the outstanding problems. “It will be an honour and I will personally do it.”