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Indian forces martyr 3 more Kashmiris in fake encounter

SRINAGAR, OCCUPIED KASHMIR: Indian forces martyred three more innocent Kashmiris in a fake encounter in district Anantnag of Occupied Kashmir.

According to details the Indian forces abducted three Kashmiri youngsters this morning in Pehlgam and later martyred them in a fake encounter. The bodies of all the three youngsters were from a house in a village near Pehlgam. The number of  innocent Kashmiri youths martyred by occupational army this week has now risen to seven.

The killings have sparked protests against India all across the Occupied Kashmiris who are chanting slogan in favor of Pakistani. India has used state power to stop Kashmiris protests in which many people have been injured.

Meanwhile, Hurriet leaders have called a 15-day protest drive in the Occupied Valley  as per which Day of Resistance will be observed on January 20 and 27 while India Republic Day on January 26 will be observed as Black Day.