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Indian Home Minister threatens to break Pakistan into ‘10 pieces’

India’s home minister has turned up the war rhetoric against Pakistan, threatening to break Pakistan into ‘10 pieces’ in a statement that appears to substantiate Islamabad’s fears of Delhi’s meddling in its internal matters.

Speaking to a gathering in Indian Occupied Kashmir’s Kathua district, Rajnath Singh once again accused Pakistan of “trying to destabilise India by encouraging terrorism”, a charge Islamabad has repeatedly rejected.

“A neighbouring country of ours again and again encourages terrorism and terrorist activities to harm India,” Indian media quoted Rajnath Singh as telling the gathering. “Pakistan has been divided into two countries. If it does not stop cross-border terrorism, it will soon be in 10 pieces,” he said.

“Our government will never let the nation to bow down its head before anyone. We cannot change our neighbours.”

Tensions between Islamabad and Delhi have been at an all-time high ever since Indian security forces killed popular Kashmir separatist leader Burhan Wani in July this year. Since then, the two  nuclear-armed neighbours have been locked in a standoff along the Line of Control and the Working Boundary due to regular ceasefire violations by India which have cost both civilians and military personnel their lives.