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Indian Troops’ State Terrorism in IoK, Three Kashmiris Martyred

Srinagar (September 15, 2018): Indian troops continue their atrocities in Indian occupied Kashmir, Indian troops have martyred three more Kashmiris in Kulgam district.According to Kashmir media service, Kashmiri youth have been martyred during a cordon and search operation in Kulgam district of IoK. Indian troops searched every nook and house during operation, and martyred three Kashmiri youth during clash and search in Chowgam.

The occupation authorities have snapped mobile internet service in Kulgam and Islamabad districts of IoK, while they have also suspended train service in the valley.In occupied Kashmir, a picture making rounds on social media has exposed the real brutal and inhuman face of the Indian Army in the territory. The picture of Indian soldiers dragging body of a martyred youth with chains has caused outrage.The photo of one of the slain youth, supine and facedown with army men pulling the chain tied to his legs, explains the barbaric Indian army’s human rights conduct. Human rights defenders have strongly condemned the action of the Indian soldiers.

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