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IOK: More Than 700 Kashmiris Arrested In 77 Days

SRINAGAR: Indian authorities, in only 77 days, have arrested more than 700 resistance, religious leaders and activists in Indian occupied Kashmir (IOK), stated Kashmir Media Service (KMS).

These arrests were made during massive crackdown operations launched by Indian forces in every nook and corner of the territory over the past two and a half months.

Prominent among 21 of the detainees slapped with black law, Public Safety Act, include Mohammad Yasin Malik, Advocate Zahid Ali, Mufti Shabbir Ahmad Falahi, Moulvi Mushtaq Veeri, Mushtaq Ahmad Wani, Nowshad Ahmad, Muhammad Shaban Dar, Abdul Samad Inqalabi and teenage boy Aqib Gulzar.

All these detainees were shifted to the jails outside the Kashmir valley.

Other arrested during the period include Dr Abdul Hamid Fayaz, Ghulam Nabi Sumjhi and Syed Imtiaz Haider.